Thursday, December 4, 2008


I was having an awesome day. The shop is quiet, I've knocked out HEAPS of internal work I had to do, it's Friday and I got paid. What could ruin this? Fucking customers. A hag I fixed a website for hasn't paid a bill that's two months outstanding. Why? Her emails weren't set up the right way. This would be fine, except that I set it up THE WAY SHE FUCKING TOLD ME TO!

I did everything to the instructions I was given, I went down to her shop to explain that we can't fix her email issue, that she needs to spend ten minutes on the phone with her ISP to fix it, and what does she do? Waits two months, two fucking months, before refusing to pay and complaining about the exact thing I explained to her. I don't understand, I busted my ass getting her shit working, and she gives me stick about it when I explained how to fix it? Ow, my brain.

How can someone could be some fantastically moronic and still manage to breathe?

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