Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ohhhhhh shit!

Three days in a row? Holy shit I must be bored. So I have exams coming out the ears, along with projects of varying size and urgency AND my lease is up soon AND I ate too much dinner.

I don't think games should ever be a chore, but thats what Skate 2 and Red Dead Redemption feel like. I just can't get into them, they lack something. I think its because I'm still obsessed with Metro and Deus Ex :D

I need new roommates. Just throwing that out there. If any of the zero people who read this need a place to live, I dont care if youre a meth addict made of guns, let me know. I need your money. It sustains me...

Urrrrgh Im stressed about thes egorram exams! I have one two days after my 40% assignment for Anthro is due. Why? Because the devil is real, and he hates me very much. I also have music stuff to do but thats not so urgent, Im not very good at it, which is disappointing because 1) I love music and learning it, 2) I work hard at trying to improve, I just don't improve. Its like I have dumb ears. BIG DUMB EARS!

So I hope this exam on the 1st goes well, I need it to get into my Stage 3 papers, I think I do at any rate, the new student services are horrible. NDEVA was bad, but at least it fucking told you what you needed to do. This system just ignores youre requests. Oh? YOu want to see how many credits you need? How about you sign up for a new degree first BIATCH! This is MY HOUSE! I RUN THIS SHIT!

I hate it.

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