Thursday, August 19, 2010

BOOM. Second update.

I stumbled across an interesting oxymoron the other day, a conversation on Facebok that wasn't toxoplasmosis dripping cat shit. The debate rages, skinny jeans, hot or shit? The two camps are in agreement on one factor, guys in skinny jeans suck penis's, and not even for a fee. They like that shit. Mmmmm, they say, penis, I'm mad for dicks. Thats you skinny jean wearing guys. The debte concerns the hotness of girls in said jeans. I've gotta say, this is a bit of moot point to be honest. The argument was made that they are hot only if fat people dont wear them. True, but simplistic. Fat people should wear giant shapless buirkahs, so we dont have to see them. I hate when they wear clothes made for skinny peolpe, It makes me hate, I am filled with hate.

Skinny people wearing clothes designed to show off this skinniness is acceptable. But I hate skinny girls. Theyre weird and skeletal. EAT SOMETHING! Theres a fine line. This is going nowhere, I just felt like rambling.

My photography is going well, I'm enjoying it anyway. I keep subkecting my girlfriend to scrutiny of the lensular persuasion, and she hates being photograhped. For those who know me, thats CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. i'm DETERMINED to make her not hate photos. I do need to get more though, photos that is, and people to be in them so if anyone is keen, let me know. Its not hard, those retardes on that model show do it so you can too.

BOOM! Double Update Time

Heres more of the Australia story.

Day One: Arrival
I've briefly covered some of the events of my arrival, here are the rest. Continuing on from The Clocktower and its ladyless ladys night, we proceed to the Beer Garden. now in my mind, the Beer Garden is like heaven, only better as there is a beer garden, unless theres one of those in heaven then BOOM! A sneaky fitty note to St Peter and I'm in! Anyway, the Beer Garden lacked a Garden of Beer or any serious drinkers, being filled with Australians who as we all know, are the little girls of the drinking world. Cannot drink to save themselves, and I was determined, nay DUTY BOUND to show them this. First drink? 4 Tequila shots. Second Drink? vodka shot into beer, drain, GODLIKE ABILITIES AWE THE CROWD! It didint take much of this for me to be titfaced, but my work was complete, these little princesses knew they were unworthy to even tie my drinking shoes (thank you Tucker Max).

At the Beer Garden, which kind of reminded me of a town hall, they had a live band. Ive never been in a bar with a live band that didnt sound like someone was fucking my ears wih drills, so to find one that was good was a pleasant change. We were dancing, grooving and jiving to the sweet Gold Coast Beats when the band started to play Jesse's girl. That was it for Sono, he lost it, apparantly he really likes that song. I remember him saying if it was a woman, he would engage in intercourse with said woman in a most vigorous manner. I cant repeat what he actually said, I'm too pretty for jail. We start to sing along, even though we can only remember two parts of the song, the "JESSE'S GIRL! DA NA NAA NA NA NA NA!" and "WHERE DO I FIND A WOMAN LIKE THAT!" We were all leaning on each other, shouting these two phrases over and over again, ignoring the band competely, when I went to get more beer. We were the only ones on the dancefloor. Im not saying the club was empty, oh no. 12am on a Fridaynight, Beer Garden packs to about 300-400 people. We were the entertainment of the night. I walked imperiously to the bar, revelling in my glory.

Okay so theres some more, but thats only two bars, on te first night. Theres me breaking my foot, gambling, running to the casino and more. It will come. Be patient.